Saturday, September 20, 2014

A Visit Beyond Paris

I was interested in hearing someone else's opinion on their visit to this castle so I searched people who had visited. I found this informative website of Raymond Harding's visit and I very much agree with him when he says, "A day trip from Paris to Vaux le Vicomte by public transport might seem a little daunting, but it is not that difficult and is well worth the effort. It is slightly off the beaten track for most people visiting France (who are more likely to be visiting Versailles) and you will be rewarded with an amazing and yet intimate chateau with fantastic gardens."

Versailles is bigger and easier to access and most tourists visit there, but this site is exceptional and will be well worth any trouble you have getting here.

Harding, Raymond. "Day Trip from Paris to Vaux Le Vicomte." Beyond Paris. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Sept. 2014.

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